Athlete Sportsmanship & Support
Please come support the athletes and learn about competing by watching the other divisions, especially the Black Belts!!
Our judges are volunteers and human, We strive to provide the best experience possible for all competitors.
Each competitor must display the best sportsmanship within each event. We want to maintain a supportive and positive environment during this tournament.
We encourage all spectators and families to positively support their competitors. Cheering is encouraged! However, we will not tolerate any negative or demeaning words toward athletes or judges. If such negative behavior is witnessed, your competitor may be disqualified and/or you will be escorted from the tournament.

Traditional Forms
The Traditional Forms event will be judged based on five criteria:
1. Intensity & Power
2. Consistency in Stances & Foot Positions
3. Focus & Flow of the Form
4. Physical Balance
5. Technique
The presentation of the form must stay within the bounds of the competition ring (permission from the judges must be received beforehand to extend the ring boundaries). This event will not require you to adhere to only a certain set of forms for your rank. However, we do want to see forms that are a worthy representation of rank levels. Traditional forms will not include XMA style forms.
Point Style Sparring
The Point Style Sparring event will be judged according to the following criteria:
All competitors are required to wear Foam Head, Hand, and Feet Gear (hand gear must cover the knuckles and feet gear must cover the toes), Mouth Guard, and Groin Cup Protector (males only).
Shin/Instep Pads and Forearm Pads are optional but a good idea for better protection while blocking and shin clashing.
Head Gear Face Masks are optional.
Chest Protectors (Hogus) Please bring your own hogu if you prefer. We will have hogus on site to use if you don’t have one.
The bracketing will be Double Elimination for Open Style Point Sparring.
For all Colored Belt matches – first one to 5 points.
For all Black Belt matches – first one to 5 points.
To win the match – Fighter who gets first to 5 points.
1 point - for any technique scored to the body (punch or kick)
1 point - for an acceptable hand technique to the head (back fist or ridge hand ONLY)
2 points - for a basic scoring head kick
3 points - for a controlled spinning head kick
Acceptable Hand to Body Techniques – Reverse Punch, Hook Punch, and Front Hand Punch if the fighter steps in with the front hand punch. No simple jabs, back fists, ridge hands, or elbows to the body.
Acceptable Kicks to Body Techniques – Any properly executed martial art kick that makes controlled contact with the hogu in a clean manner and is delivered with balance. If a fighter falls to the ground while hitting the scoring area, he/she will NOT be awarded a point.
Acceptable Hand to Head Techniques – Back Fist and Ridge Hand (to side and back of the head only, no techniques to the crown of head).
Acceptable Kicks to Head Techniques – Roundhouse, Hook Kick, Spinning Hook Kick, and Snap Axe (to side of head only, no techniques to the crown of the head).
Flag Sparring
The Flag Sparring event will be judged according to the following criteria:
Head Gear and Mouth Guard
1. The bracketing will be Single Elimination for Flag Sparring.
2. For all competitors – each match will be 1 round of 3 minutes.
3. Each competitor will have 3 flags (one on each hip and one in the back) hanging from their belt.
4. First competitor to pull all 3 flags out of their opponent’s belt wins the match.
5. If all 3 flags are not pulled at the end of the 3 minutes, then the competitor who has pulled the most flags from their opponent’s belt wins.
6. A competitor may pull two flags at the same time for a double point (one in each hand).
7. A competitor may block, deflect, and use footwork to avoid their opponent’s grabs to pull their flag.
8. A competitor may not punch, kick, grab, or push their opponent.
9. If one competitor falls to the ground play will continue. If both competitors fall to the ground the match will stop and the competitors will be brought back up to their feet.

The Weapons event will be judged on the following criteria:
1. Weapon of choice must be considered a “traditional” weapon (if there are questions about the weapon please consult your head instructor for clarification). Open Weapons may be any other non-traditional weapon.
2. Weapon must not touch the competition floor during the form (if there is a designated move which requires the weapon to touch the floor permission must be received from the judges before the form begins)
3. Movements with the weapon must be in control and stay within the bounds of the competition ring (permission from the judges must be received beforehand to extend the ring boundaries)
4. Form must showcase the execution of the weapon and not the acrobatics of the competitor
5. Any motion where the weapon leaves the hand for longer than simple hand passes is not allowed
6. Any body movements which include aerials, flips, splits, etc. is not allowed
7. If the weapon is mishandled or dropped or the judges find the form is not within the guidelines of a traditional weapon form the appropriate deductions will be given to the competitor.

Out of Bounds – After 2 warnings of running out of bounds, the fighter will be deducted 1 point on the 3rd incident.
Excessive Contact – After 1 warning the fighter will be deducted 1 point on the 2nd incident.
Hitting the Back – After 1 warning the fighter will be deducted 1 point on the 2nd incident. Can be deducted 1 point or even disqualification on the 1st incident if it is intentional with intent to hurt.
Face Contact – After 1 warning the fighter will be deducted 1 point on the 2nd incident. Can be deducted 1 point or even disqualification on the 1st incident if it is intentional with intent to hurt. If fighter draws blood the incident will be taken on a case-by-case basis with the tournament arbitrator. Disqualification can occur, however; the specific situation will be reviewed and decided upon.
Hitting Below the Belt – After 1 warning the fighter will be deducted 1 point on the 2nd incident. Can be deducted 1point or even disqualification on the 1st incident if it is intentional with intent to hurt.
Power Breaking
Padded Glove of Any Kind (to protect hand and wrist while breaking)
Each competitor will break the boards with a Hammer Fist technique.
Competitors will start with the easiest board and continue breaking until they are unable to break the board (or boards) within 2 tries.
If no competitors break in a round then all that were in the round are eligible to try again.